Referencia: Código 11092
Mayo de 2024 - Robert Stewaart - Refª 11092
Robert Stewaart
Mayo de 2024 Páginas: 360
Código 11092 ISBN/EAN: 9781032347400
This is the first book to comprehensively cover the evolution of airport design, from the start of commercial aviation in 1919 to the present day. Many books have been written about airport design at a particular moment in history, but none have rigorously considered why, where, when and how the ideas we now take for granted originated.
This book traces the history of airport design considering the philosophies adopted by designers, the functional layouts they have developed and the resultant form of the airport through a series of 40 case studies divided into 7 eras of approximately 20 years each. The themes include:
The case studies are international, covering the USA, Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Spain, United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey, Mexico, Australia and Poland. They are illustrated with full colour, many of which have not been published before and form part of an incredible graphic package. This book is essential reading for architects, engineers, planners and environmentalists alike
1. Introduction
2. Experimental Period 1904 - 1919
3. Pioneering Era 1920 - 1939
4. Evolutionary Phase 1940 – 1959
5. Jet Age 1960 – 1979
6. Transfer Interchange 1980 – 1999
7. Mega Hub 2000 – 2019
8. Future Developments
9. Conclusion
Robert Stewart has 30 years’ experience in the master planning and architectural design of major airports. He has led the aviation and transport sectors in a major architectural practice with a personal emphasis on airport master planning, facilities design, terminal and ancillary projects architectural design. His work encompasses more than 50 airport projects, including master planning the ancillary facilities for the Heathrow Expansion Project, the design of the New London Hub Airport (Boris Island), Gatwick North Terminal, Bristol, Heathrow T5 and Runway 3 (for British Airways), London City and Medina Airports. His experience of designing for both airports and airlines has allowed him to write this book with the unique perspective of an ‘insider’ who understands the drivers of growth and change that have led to the evolution of airport design.
Este es el primer libro que cubre de manera integral la evolución del diseño de aeropuertos, desde el inicio de la aviación comercial en 1919 hasta la actualidad. Se han escrito muchos libros sobre el diseño de aeropuertos en un momento particular de la historia, pero ninguno ha considerado rigurosamente por qué, dónde, cuándo y cómo se originaron las ideas que ahora damos por sentadas.
Este libro recorre la historia del diseño de aeropuertos considerando las filosofías adoptadas por los diseñadores, los diseños funcionales que han desarrollado y la forma resultante del aeropuerto a través de una serie de 40 estudios de casos divididos en 7 eras de aproximadamente 20 años cada una. Los temas incluyen:
Los estudios de caso son internacionales y abarcan EE. UU., Alemania, Reino Unido, Francia, Países Bajos, Singapur, Arabia Saudita, Japón, Hong Kong, Malasia, Corea del Sur, Tailandia, España, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, China, Turquía, México y Australia. y Polonia. Están ilustrados a todo color, muchos de los cuales no han sido publicados antes y forman parte de un increíble paquete gráfico. Este libro es una lectura esencial tanto para arquitectos, ingenieros, planificadores y ambientalistas.
1. Introducción
2. Período Experimental 1904 - 1919
3. Era pionera 1920 - 1939
4. Fase Evolutiva 1940 – 1959
5. Era del jet 1960 – 1979
6. Intercambio de transferencias 1980 – 1999
7. Megacentro 2000 – 2019
8. Desarrollos futuros
9. Conclusión
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