Referencia: Código 06901
05/2016 - Richard W. Johnson - Refª 6901
Richard W. Johnson
Mayo de 2016 Páginas: 1560
Código 6901 ISBN/EAN: 9781439849552
Handbook of Fluid Dynamics offers balanced coverage of the three traditional areas of fluid dynamics—theoretical, computational, and experimental—complete with valuable appendices presenting the mathematics of fluid dynamics, tables of dimensionless numbers, and tables of the properties of gases and vapors. Each chapter introduces a different fluid dynamics topic, discusses the pertinent issues, outlines proven techniques for addressing those issues, and supplies useful references for further research.
Covering all major aspects of classical and modern fluid dynamics, this fully updated Second Edition:
Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition provides an indispensable resource for professionals entering the field of fluid dynamics. The book also enables experts specialized in areas outside fluid dynamics to become familiar with the field.
Richard W. Johnson
Some Reflections on the History of Fluid Dynamics
John D. Anderson Jr.
General Equations of Newtonian Fluid Dynamics
R. Byron Bird and Michael D. Graham
Special Equation Forms and Related Equations
Frank G. Collins and Ronald H. Aungier
Basic Engineering Fluid Mechanics
John F. Foss, Ronald L. Panton, and William S. Janna
Overview of Classical Fluid Dynamics
Richard W. Johnson
Inviscid Flow
Robert H. Kirchhoff and Doyle D. Knight
Incompressible Laminar Viscous Flows
Ismet Gursul
Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow
Z. U. A. Warsi and Arnold Polak
Matiur Rahman
Transition and Turbulence
Peter S. Bernard, Jeffrey D. Crouch, Meelan Choudhari, David G. Bogard, and Karen A. Thole
Turbulence Modeling and Simulation
Charles G. Speziale and Ronald M. C. So
Non-Newtonian Flows
Thomas F. Irvine Jr. and Massimo Capobianchi
Convective Heat Transfer
Y. S. Muzychka and M. M. Yovanovich
Exact and Approximate Solutions
Yasuhide Fukumoto and Tsutomu Kambe
Open Channel Flow
M. Hanif Chaudhry and Michael E. Barber
Ralph A. Burton
Plasma Flow
John J. Lowke and Anthony B. Murphy
Chemically Reacting Flow
David G. Lilley
Multiphase Flow
Michael L. Corradini, Chao Zhu, Liang-Shih Fan, and Rong-Her Jean
Roger E. A. Arndt
Flow in Porous Media
Massoud Kaviany
Atmospheric Flows
Donald H. Lenschow
Mesoscale Oceanic Flows
Lynn Keith Shay
Water Hammer
Jim C. P. Liou and E. Benjamin Wylie
Capillary Flows
Kang Ping Chen
Biothermal Convection and Nanofluid Bioconvection
A. V. Kuznetsov
Microsystems and Microfluidics
Clement Kleinstreuer
Computational Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannels
Clement Kleinstreuer
Biofluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Marc Thiriet, Wen-Hann Sheu, and André Garon
Fluid–Structure Interactions
Satish Kumar Chimakurthi, Steve Reuss, and Wei Shyy
Flow Control
Mohamed Gad-el-Hak
Design Optimization and CFD
Richard W. Johnson and Mark D. Landon
Finite Difference Method
Kyran D. Mish
Finite-Volume Method
Suhas V. Patankar, Kailash C. Karki, and Kanchan M. Kelkar
Finite Element Method
A. Jerry Baker
Spectral Element Methods for Incompressible Flows
George Em Karniadakis and Ronald D. Henderson
Complex Flow Simulation via Lattice Boltzmann Method
G. Falcucci, S. Melchionna, S. Ubertini, and Sauro Succi
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
Alina A. Alexeenko and Sergey F. Gimelshein
Panel Methods
Joe Katz
Solution Methods for the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations
Wei Shyy and Rajat Mittal
Convergence Acceleration
David A. Caughey
Grid Generation
Glen A. Hansen
Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Christopher J. Roy and William L. Oberkampf
Basic Instruments
Mohamed Gad-el-Hak
Hot-Wire Anemometry
Geneviève Comte-Bellot
Laser Doppler Velocimetry
Leroy M. Fingerson and Rajan K. Menon
Particle Image Velocimetry
Barton L. Smith and Douglas R. Neal
Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer
William D. Bachalo and Subramanian V. Sankar
Flow Visualization
James P. Crowder
Uncertainty Analysis
High W. Coleman and W. Glenn Steele
Optical Diagnostics for Measurements of Species Concentrations and Temperature
T.-W. Lee
Molecular Tagging Diagnostics
Douglas Bohl
Appendix A: Mathematics of Fluid Mechanics
Charles Zemach
Appendix B: Tables of Dimensionless Numbers
Appendix C: Properties of Gases and Vapors
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