Referencia: Código 08209
Julio de 2019 - Eva Lantsoght - Refª 8209
Eva Lantsoght
Agosto de 2019 Páginas: 378
Código 8209 ISBN/EAN: 9780367210830
Load Testing of Bridges, featuring contributions from almost fifty authors from around the world across two interrelated volumes, deals with the practical aspects, the scientific developments, and the international views on the topic of load testing of bridges.
Volume 13, Load Testing of Bridges: Proof Load Testing and the Future of Load Testing, focuses first on proof load testing of bridges. It discusses the specific aspects of proof load testing during the preparation, execution, and post-processing of such a test (Part 1). The second part covers the testing of buildings. The third part discusses novel ideas regarding measurement techniques used for load testing. Methods using non-contact sensors, such as photography- and video-based measurement techniques are discussed. The fourth part discusses load testing in the framework of reliability-based decision-making and in the framework of a bridge management program. The final part of the book summarizes the knowledge presented across the two volumes, as well as the remaining open questions for research, and provides practical recommendations for engineers carrying out load tests.
This work will be of interest to researchers and academics in the field of civil/structural engineering, practicing engineers and road authorities worldwide.
Part I Proof Load Testing of Bridges
Chapter 1 Methodology for Proof Load Testing
Eva O. L. Lantsoght
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Determination of target proof load
1.3 Procedures for proof load testing
1.4 Processing of proof load testing results
1.5 Bridge assessment based on proof load tests
1.6 Summary and conclusions
Chapter 2 Load Rating of Prestressed Concrete Bridges without Design Plans by Nondestructive Field Testing
David V. Jauregui, Brad D. Weldon, and Carlos V. Aguilar
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Inspection and evaluation procedures
2.3 Case studies
2.4 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Example of Proof Load Testing from Europe
Eva O. L. Lantsoght, Dick A. Hordijk, Rutger T. Koekkoek, and Cor van der Veen
3.1 Introduction to viaduct Zijlweg
3.2 Preparation of proof load test
3.3 Execution of proof load test
3.4 Post-processing and rating
3.5 Summary and conclusions
Part II Testing of Buildings
Chapter 4 Load Testing of Concrete Building Constructions
Gregor Schacht, Guido Bolle, and Steffen Marx
4.1 Historical development of load testing in Europe
4.2 Load testing of existing concrete building constructions
4.3 New developments
4.4 Practical recommendations
4.5 Summary and conclusions
Part III Advances in Measurement Techniques for Load Testing
Chapter 5 Digital Image and Video-Based Measurements
Mohamad Alipour, Ali Shariati, Thomas Schumacher, Devin K. Harris, and C. J. Riley
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Digital image correlation (DIC) for deformation measurements
5.3 Eulerian virtual visual sensors (VVS) for natural frequency measurements
5.4 Recommendations for practice
5.5 Summary and conclusions
5.6 Outlook and future trends
Chapter 6 Acoustic Emission Measurements for Load Testing
Mohamed ElBatanouny, Rafal Anay, Marwa A. Abdelrahman, and Paul Ziehl
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Acoustic emission–based damage identification
6.3 Source location during load tests
6.4 Discussion and recommendations for field applications
Chapter 7 Fiber Optics for Load Testing
Joan R. Casas, António Barrias, Gerardo Rodriguez Gutiérrez, and Sergi Villalba
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Distributed optical fibers in load testing
7.3 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Deflection Measurement on Bridges by Radar Techniques
Carmelo Gentile
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Radar technology and the microwave interferometer
8.3 Accuracy and validation of the radar technique
8.4 Static and dynamic tests of a steel-composite bridge
8.5 A challenging application: structural health monitoring of stay cables
8.6 Summary
Part IV Load Testing in the Framework of Reliability-Based Decision-Making and Bridge Management Decisions
Chapter 9 Reliability-Based Analysis and Life-Cycle Management of Load Tests
Dan M. Frangopol, David Y. Yang, Eva O. L. Lantsoght, and Raphael D. J. M. Steenbergen
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Influence of load testing on reliability index
9.3 Required target load for updating reliability index
9.4 Systems reliability considerations
9.5 Life-cycle cost considerations
9.6 Summary and conclusions
Chapter 10 Determination of Remaining Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures in Corrosive Environments after Load Testing
Dimitri V. Val and Mark G. Stewart
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Deterioration of RC structures in corrosive environments
10.3 Reliability-based approach to structural assessment
10.4 Corrosion initiation modeling
10.5 Corrosion propagation modeling
10.6 Effect of spatial variability on corrosion initiation and propagation
10.7 Influence of climate change
10.8 Illustrative examples
10.9 Summary
References 328
Chapter 11 Load Testing as Part of Bridge Management in Sweden
Lennart Elfgren, Bjorn Täljsten, and Thomas Blanksvärd
11.1 Introduction
11.2 History
11.3 Present practice
11.4 Future
11.5 Conclusions
Chapter 12 Load Testing as Part of Bridge Management in the Netherlands
Ane de Boer
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Overview of load tests on existing structures
12.3 Inspections and re-examination
12.4 Conclusions and outlook
Part V Conclusions and Outlook
Chaper 13 Conclusions and Outlook
Eva O. L. Lantsoght
13.1 Current body of knowledge on load testing
13.2 Current research and open research questions
13.3 Conclusions and practical recommendations
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