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Referencia: Código 11111


Junio de 2024  - Marcelo de Carvalho Alves.. -  Refª 11111


Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Luciana Sanches

Junio de 2024         Páginas: 410    Edición en tapa blanda

Código 11111        ISBN/EAN: 9781032026213


This book explains basic concepts of surveying science and techniques with geomatics using R software and R packages. It engages students in learning about surveying through real field examples and using differing degrees of complexity while exploring surveying problems based on field observations and advanced geospatial technology. It includes a wide range of case studies as hands-on and self-paced tutorials along with detailed computer programming routines that are linked to the theories and applications explained in each chapter. This innovative textbook also teaches how to explore other possibilities of using geomatics in geocomputation, remote sensing, geography and cartography courses focused on surveying tasks.

Features include:

    • Provides modern surveying practices with free software algorithm and R toolset for active learning
    • Includes case studies from different geographical areas using arbitrary and international cartographic reference systems
    • Enables and demonstrates the integration of traditional geomatics with modern geospatial big data technologies
    • Explains data standards, equipment used, possible analyses and the importance of error evaluation for scientific surveying
    • Discusses different scales of landscapes and brings together the experiences of leading experts in the field


1 Scientific Applications of Surveying with Geomatics and R 1

2 Introduction to Measurement Units with Geomatics and R 29

3 Theory of Measurement Errors with Geomatics and R

4 Angle and Direction Observations with Geomatics and R

5 Direct Distance and Angle Measurements with Geomatics and R

6 Stadia Indirect Measurements with Geomatics and R

7 Electronic Distance and Level Measurements with Geomatics and R

8 Radial Traverse Survey with Geomatics and R

9 Coordinate Geometry of Closed-path Traverse Surveying with Geomatics and R

10 Coordinate Geometry of Intersection Surveying with Geomatics and R

11 Traverse Area Evaluation and Surveying Memorial with Geomatics and R

12 Coordinate Reference Systems for Geodetic Surveying with Geomatics and R

13 Cartographic Coordinate Projection Systems with Geomatics and R

14 GNSS Surveying with Geomatics and R

Marcelo de Carvalho Alves

Dr. Marcelo de Carvalho Alves is associate professor at the Federal University de Lavras, Brazil. His education included graduation (2001), master (2003), doctoral in Agronomy, thesis in Crop Sciences (2006) and a Post-Doctoral in Agricultural Engineering in Federal University of Lavras, Brazil (2008). He has varied research interests and has published on surveying, remote sensing, geocomputation and agriculture applications. He has over 20 years of extensive experience in data science, digital image processing and modeling using multiscale, multidisciplinary, multispectral   and multitemporal concepts applied to different environments. Experimental field-sites included  a tropical forest, savanna, wetland, and agricultural fields in Brazil. His research has been predominantly funded by CNPq, CAPES, FAPEMIG and FAPEMAT. Over the years, he has built  up a large portfolio of research grants mostly relating to applied and theoretical remote sensing,  broadly in the context of vegetation cover, plant diseases and related impacts of climate changes.

Luciana Sanches

Dr. Luciana Sanches graduated in Sanitary Engineering from the Federal University of Mato  Grosso (1996), master in Sanitation, Environment and Water Resources from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1998), PhD in Road Engineering, Hydraulic Channels and Ports, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain (2002), Post-doctorate in Environmental Physics (2007) and, Post-doctorate in Environmental Sciences from the University of Reading, United Kingdom (2014). She did specialization in Workplace Safety Engineering (2018), Specialization in Project Development and Management for Municipal Water Resources Management by the National Water Agency (2018). She is currently associate professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil, acting in  more than 20 years in research on atmosphere biosphere interaction, hydrometeorological in several temporal-spatial scales with interpretation based on in environmental modeling and remote sensing such as a support tools for results analyses. She has been applying geomatics in teaching and research activities to support the interpretation of environmental dynamics coupled to the terrain



Topografía con Geomática y R

Este libro explica conceptos básicos de ciencias y técnicas topográficas con geomática utilizando software y paquetes R. Involucra a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje sobre topografía a través de ejemplos de campo reales y utilizando diferentes grados de complejidad mientras exploran problemas topográficos basados ​​en observaciones de campo y tecnología geoespacial avanzada. Incluye una amplia gama de estudios de casos como tutoriales prácticos y a su propio ritmo junto con rutinas detalladas de programación informática que están vinculadas a las teorías y aplicaciones explicadas en cada capítulo. Este innovador libro de texto también enseña cómo explorar otras posibilidades del uso de la geomática en cursos de geocomputación, teledetección, geografía y cartografía centrados en tareas topográficas.

Las características incluyen:

    • Proporciona prácticas topográficas modernas con un algoritmo de software gratuito y un conjunto de herramientas R para el aprendizaje activo.
    • Incluye estudios de casos de diferentes áreas geográficas utilizando sistemas de referencia cartográficos arbitrarios e internacionales.
    • Permite y demuestra la integración de la geomática tradicional con tecnologías modernas de big data geoespacial.
    • Explica los estándares de datos, el equipo utilizado, los posibles análisis y la importancia de la evaluación de errores para los estudios científicos.
    • Discute diferentes escalas de paisajes y reúne las experiencias de los principales expertos en el campo.

Tabla de contenido

1 Aplicaciones Científicas de la Topografía con Geomática y R 1

2 Introducción a las Unidades de Medida con Geomática y R 29

3 Teoría de Errores de Medición con Geomática y R

4 Observaciones de ángulos y direcciones con geomática y R

5 Mediciones directas de distancias y ángulos con Geomática y R

6 Stadia Mediciones Indirectas con Geomática y R

7 Mediciones Electrónicas de Distancia y Nivel con Geomática y R

8 Levantamiento transversal radial con geomática y R

9 Geometría de coordenadas del levantamiento transversal de trayectoria cerrada con geomática y r

10 Geometría de coordenadas del levantamiento de intersecciones con geomática y R

11 Memorial de evaluación y topografía del área transversal con geomática y R

12 sistemas de referencia de coordenadas para levantamientos geodésicos con geomática y R

13 Sistemas de Proyección de Coordenadas Cartográficas con Geomática y R

14 Topografía GNSS con Geomática y R

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