Referencia: Código 11359
Enero de 2025 - S.K. Nataraj - Refª 11359
S.K. Nataraj
Enero de 2025 Páginas: 326 Edición en tapa blanda
Código 11359 ISBN/EAN: 9781032103259
This book highlights the innovations and techniques to identify and treat emerging pollutants in waste and polluted water. It begins with the classification of emerging pollutants and is followed by a review on existing detection and elimination techniques as well as the current regulations in place. Subsequent chapters cover membrane-based separation processes, polymer-based or resin-based water filters, functional materials, nanomaterials-based adsorbents, microplastics and a summary of the potential solutions in treating or removing emerging pollutants.
This book is aimed at researchers, professionals and graduate students in environmental, civil and chemical engineering and waste and drinking water treatment.
1. Introduction to Emerging Pollutants and their treatment techniques
1.1. Definition and origin of EPs
1.2. Classification of EPs
1.3. WHO guidelines on EPs
1.4. Health risks and toxicity associated with EPs
1.5. Environmental hazard associated with EPs
1.6. Need of detection and quantification of EPs
1.7. Need of removing/separation/treatment of EPs
1.8. Fundamentals of Water treatment
1.9. Challenges in EPs characterization
2. Methods to Detect Emerging Pollutants
2.1. Existing analytical tools for EPs detection and their theoretical limitation
2.2. Instrumentation and their limitation for detecting EPs
2.3. Advancements in APIs detection and quantification
2.4. Advancements in heavy metals and other metal ion detection and quantification
2.5. New protocols to detect and quantification of organic contaminants
2.6. Detection and quantification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
2.7. Detection and quantification of Pathogens and other micro-pollutants
2.8. Detection and quantification of Microplastics
2.9. Summary on detection and quantification of EPs
3. Limitations of existing treatment techniques in removing emerging pollutants
3.1. List of analytical tools used for different EPs
3.2. Limitations of existing analytical tool in detecting EPs
3.3. Limitations of existing techniques in removing EPs from contaminated source
3.4. Physical and chemical nature of EPs
3.5. Physical methods and their limitations to remove EPs
3.6. Chemical methods and their limitations to remove EPs
3.7. Biological methods and their limitations to remove EPs
3.8. Need of advance materials and methods to remove EPs
4. Membrane processes for removal emerging pollutants
4.1. Size and surface characteristics of EPs
4.2. UF and MF for removal of Micropollutants
4.3. NF and RO for treatment of EPs
4.4. Electrodialysis for removal of charged EPs
4.5. Forward Osmosis for concentration and removal of EPs
4.6. MD and Hybrid-MD process for removal of EPs
4.7. Hybrid-Membrane Processes for removal of EPs
4.8. Limitations of Membrane-based separation process in treating EPs
5. Polymer/Resin-based techniques to removal of emerging pollutants
5.1. Use of polymer and resins in removing EPs
5.2. Polymer-based adsorbents and chelating agents in removing EPs
5.3. Polymer complexes for removal of EPs
5.4. Polymer Nanocomposite for removal of EPs
5.5. Resin-based fixed beds for removal of EPs
5.6. Composite resins and their limitation in removing EPs
5.7. Recycling and regeneration of polymers and resins
5.8. Limitations of Polymers and Resins in removing EPs
6. Functional Materials-based Microcleaners and Adsorbents
6.1. Polymer-based functional materials for removal of EPs
6.2. Polyelectrolyte complexes in removing EPs
6.3. Carbon-based functional materials for removal of EPs
6.4. 2D materials-based functional materials for removal EPs
6.5. MOFs, COFs and ZIFs in removal of EPs
6.6. Gels and Aerogels in removal of EPs
6.7. Liquid membrane in removing EPs
6.8. Ion-exchange method for removal of EPs
7. Nanomaterials-based water filter for emerging pollutants
7.1. Polymer-nanocomposite for removal of EPs
7.2. Graphene and other carbaneous nanomaterials for EPs removal
7.3. Nanocleaners
7.4. Nanomaterials-based filters for capturing EPs
7.5. Nano-adsorbents for removal of EPs
7.6. Fenton and Fenton-type catalysts for degradation of EPs
7.7. Recovery and reuse of nanomaterial-based
7.8. Limitations of nanomaterials for EP removal applications
8. Micro-plastic pollutants: Identification, detection and Removal Techniques
8.1. Definition and threat of microplastics
8.2. Microplastics in ground water
8.3. Microplastics in wastewater
8.4. Microplastics in ecosystem
8.5. Microplastics source detection and removal strategies
8.6. Physical detection and removal of microplastics
8.7. Bio-based Microplastics removal strategies
8.8. Advances in detection and treatment of Microplastics
9. Nanocleaners, Nano-Pollutants and Nanotoxicity
9.1. Dependency on nanomaterials
9.2. Nanomaterial-based waste
9.3. Identification of nano-pollutants
9.4. Assessment of nanomaterials as potential EPs
9.5. Nanotoxicity
9.6. Health risks involved associated with exposure to nanomaterials
9.7. Prevention and methods to treat and manage nanomaterials
10. Policies efforts to curb use of plastics and removal of emerging pollutants.
10.1. Recognition of EPs threat
10.2. WHO guidelines on handling EPs in different sectors
10.3. International treaties and consensus on EPs
10.4. Need for stringent regulations
Summary and Future Prospectus on EPs treatment technologies
S.K. Nataraj is currently working as a Professor at Centre for Nano and Material Sciences (CNMS), Jain University, Bangalore, India.
Este libro destaca las innovaciones y técnicas para identificar y tratar los contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales y contaminadas. Comienza con la clasificación de los contaminantes emergentes y va seguido de una revisión de las técnicas de detección y eliminación existentes, así como de las regulaciones vigentes. Los capítulos posteriores cubren los procesos de separación basados en membranas, los filtros de agua basados en polímeros o resinas, los materiales funcionales, los adsorbentes basados en nanomateriales, los microplásticos y un resumen de las posibles soluciones para tratar o eliminar los contaminantes emergentes.
Este libro está dirigido a investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes de posgrado en ingeniería ambiental, civil, química y tratamiento de residuos y agua potable.
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