Referencia: Código 10603
Junio de 2023 - Mritunjoy Sengupta - Refª 10603
Mritunjoy Sengupta
Junio de 2023 Páginas: 374 Edición en tapa blanda
Código 10603 ISBN/EAN: 9780367757892
This second edition examines the problems facing the mining industry, and offers practical case studies, as well as new solutions for environmental restoration and remediation. New topics include bioremediation technology, mountaintop surface coal mining, reclamation procedures, environmental impacts of gold mining, mining in different countries worldwide, and the resulting environmental problems. The book is considered a "must have" book for environmental engineers and professionals in the mining industry, geologists, hydrologists, hazardous waste professionals, and academics.
Mining and the Environment. Surface Coal Mining with Reclamation. Reclamation and Revegetation of Mined Land. The Acid Mine Drainage Problem from Coal Mines. Environmental Impacts of Metal Ore Mining and Processing. Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Migration. Hydrologic Impact. Erosion and Sediment Control. Environmental Impact of Gold Mining. Blasting. Mining Subsidence. Postmining Land Use. Bioremediation. Vegetative Uptake and Use if Metal Tolerant Plants. Biodegradation of Cyanide in Mining Wastes. Environmental Impacts and Assessment of Open Pit Mining.
Dr. Mritunjoy Sengupta received his Ph.D. from the Colorado School of Mines. He also holds an E.M. in Mining Engineering and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, New York. He received a B.S. degree in Mining Engineering from the Indian School of Mines. He is a registered professional engineer in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Alaska.Dr. Sengupta has 10 years of professional experience in the U.S. mining industry. His former employers include AMAX Inc., Continental Oil Company, Texas Gulf Inc., Morrison-Knudsen Company, United Nuclear Corporation, and Hawley Coal Mining Company. Dr. Sengupta has served as a scientist with the Central Mining Research Station of the Government of India and as a United Nations expert to the Government of India.
Esta segunda edición examina los problemas que enfrenta la industria minera y ofrece estudios de casos prácticos, así como nuevas soluciones para la restauración y remediación ambiental. Los nuevos temas incluyen la tecnología de biorremediación, la extracción de carbón en la superficie de la montaña, los procedimientos de recuperación, los impactos ambientales de la extracción de oro, la minería en diferentes países del mundo y los problemas ambientales resultantes. El libro se considera un libro "imprescindible" para ingenieros ambientales y profesionales de la industria minera, geólogos, hidrólogos, profesionales de desechos peligrosos y académicos.
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