Referencia: Código 11041
Abril de 2024 - Steve Hencher - Refª11041
Steve Hencher
Abril de 2024 Páginas: 566
Código 11041 ISBN/EAN: 9781032392240
Practical Engineering Geology provides an introduction to the way projects are managed, designed and constructed, and how the engineering geologist can contribute to cost- effective and safe project achievement. The need for a holistic view of geological materials, from soil to rock, and of geological history is emphasised. Chapters address key aspects of
This second edition includes a new chapter on environmental issues covering hydrogeology, considerations of climate change, earthquakes, and more. All chapters have been updated, with extensively revised figures throughout and several new case studies of unexpected ground conditions. The book will support practising engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers, as well as MSc level students of engineering geology and other geotechnical subjects.
1. Introduction to Engineering Geology.
2. Introduction to the Management of Projects.
3. The Design Process, Analysis and Construction.
4. Geology and Ground Models.
5. Environmental Factors.
6. Site Investigation.
7. Geotechnical Parameters.
8. Unexpected Ground Conditions and How to Avoid Them: Case Examples.
Appendix A. Training, Institutions and Societies.
Appendix B. Soil and Rock Terminology for Description and Classification for Engineering Purposes.
Appendix C. Examples of Borehole and Trial Pit Logs.
Appendix D. Tunnelling Risk.
Steve Hencher is now Emeritus Professor at Leeds and Honorary Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Hong Kong University. He is also Director of Hencher Associates Limited where he acts as technical advisor and expert witness on various geotechnical matters. More information is at
He is a geologist by first degree and earned his PhD from Imperial College, London on the shear strength of rock joints under dynamic loading. He then joined Sir W S Atkins & Partners where he was one of only nine, yes nine geotechnical employees servicing what, even then, were the largest consultants in Europe. Atkins gave him wide experience in a very short term. This included the opportunity to investigate the ground for and supervise the construction and installation of piles at Drax Power Station, which gave a sharp insight into how large civil engineering projects work. Since then, he has worked with the Hong Kong Government for 5 years where he investigated major landslides, worked on shear strength of rock, and first became involved in mapping and describing thick weathered profiles. Other major experience includes being part of the Bechtel design team for the High-Speed Rail in Korea, working specifically on the design of very large span tunnels and underground stations. He taught the MSc in Engineering Geology at Leeds University full time from 1984 to 1996 and supervised a large number of research students. Since 1997 he has headed geotechnics in the Hong Kong office of Halcrow and was Regional Director of the Korean office for 7 years. He has worked on various national and international committees in geotechnical engineering, in particular, on weathered rocks, piling, landslides, rock slopes and rock mass characterisation. He has acted and continues to act as an expert advisor and expert witness in numerous legal cases, including aspects of foundation design and construction, tunnelling, landslides, and site formation.
La ingeniería geológica práctica proporciona una introducción a la forma en que se gestionan, diseñan y construyen los proyectos, y cómo el ingeniero geólogo puede contribuir al logro de proyectos rentables y seguros. Se enfatiza la necesidad de una visión holística de los materiales geológicos, desde el suelo hasta las rocas, y de la historia geológica. Los capítulos abordan aspectos clave de
Esta segunda edición incluye un nuevo capítulo sobre cuestiones ambientales que cubren hidrogeología, consideraciones sobre el cambio climático, terremotos y más. Todos los capítulos han sido actualizados, con cifras ampliamente revisadas y varios estudios de casos nuevos de condiciones inesperadas del terreno. El libro apoyará a los ingenieros geólogos e ingenieros geotécnicos en ejercicio, así como a los estudiantes de maestría en ingeniería geológica y otras materias geotécnicas.
1. Introducción a la Ingeniería Geológica.
2. Introducción a la Gestión de Proyectos.
3. El Proceso de Diseño, Análisis y Construcción.
4. Geología y Modelos Terrestres.
5. Factores Ambientales.
6. Investigación del sitio.
7. Parámetros Geotécnicos.
8. Condiciones inesperadas del terreno y cómo evitarlas: ejemplos de casos.
Anexo A. Formación, Instituciones y Sociedades.
Apéndice B. Terminología de suelos y rocas para descripción y clasificación con fines de ingeniería.
Apéndice C. Ejemplos de registros de pozos y pozos de prueba.
Apéndice D. Riesgo de construcción de túneles.
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