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Referencia: Código 09757


Marzo de 2022  - Dan M. Frangopol, Sunyong Kim  -  Refª 9757


Dan M. Frangopol, Sunyong Kim

Marzo de 2022       Páginas: 296    Tapa dura

Código 9757       ISBN/EAN: 9781032052816

Book Description

During the past two decades, it has been generally acknowledged that

  • life-cycle bridge analysis can be a systematic tool to address efficient and effective bridge management under uncertainty
  • life-cycle management at the bridge network level can lead to an improvement in the allocation of limited financial resources, ensuring the safety and functionality of the bridge network
  • life-cycle management of bridges and bridge networks based on resilience and sustainability can improve their resistance and robustness to extreme events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and hurricanes
  • bridge management should consider the impact of environmental conditions and climate change 

This book addresses important concepts and approaches developed recently on bridge safety, maintenance, and management in a life-cycle context. Bridge life-cycle performance and cost analysis, prediction, optimization, and decision making under uncertainty are discussed. The major topics include bridge safety and service life prediction; bridge inspection and structural health monitoring; bridge maintenance; life-cycle bridge and bridge network management; optimum life-cycle bridge management planning; resilience and sustainability of bridges and bridge networksunder hazards; and bridge management considering climate change. By providing practical applications of the presented concepts and approaches, this book can help students, researchers, practitioners, infrastructure owners and managers, and transportation officials to build up their knowledge of life-cycle bridge performance and cost management at bothproject level and network level under various deteriorating mechanisms, hazards and climate change effects.

Table of Contents

1. Probabilistic Concepts and Methods for Bridge Life-Cycle Analysis 2. Structural Performance and Service Life 3. Inspection and Structural Health Monitoring 4. Bridge Maintenance 5. Life-cycle Performance Analysis and Optimization 6. Applications of Optimum Life-Cycle Bridge Management Planning 7. Life-Cycle Bridge Network Management 8. Resilience and Sustainability of Bridges and Bridge Networks 9. Bridge Management Considering Climate Change 10. Conclusions



Dr. Dan M. Frangopol is the inaugural holder of the Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture at Lehigh University. He is widely recognized as a pioneer in the field of life-cycle engineering. His main research interests are in the development and application of probabilistic concepts and methods to civil and marine structures under various types of hazards. Dr. Frangopol is the Founding President of both the International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) and the International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE). He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, an international peer-reviewed journal launched in 2005. His research and professional service have garnered numerous awards from ASCE, IABSE, IASSAR, ISHMII and other professional organizations. Dr. Frangopol has authored/coauthored 3 books, 60 book chapters, and over 420 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including 11 award-winning papers. He holds 4 honorary doctorates and 14 honorary professorships. He is a member of the National Academy of Construction of the United States, a foreign member of the Academy of Europe (London), a foreign associate of the Engineering Academy of Japan, a foreign member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, an honorary member of the Romanian Academy, an honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, and a distinguished member of ASCE.

Dr. Sunyong Kim is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Wonkwang University, South Korea. He obtained his undergraduate degree in 1999 at Yonsei University, South Korea, and his M.S. Degree in 2004 at KAIST. Under the supervision of Prof. Dan. M. Frangopol, he received a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering in 2011 from Lehigh University. Dr. Kim has authored/coauthored a book, written 36 journal articles, 6 book chapters, and 35 conference papers. He is the recipient of the 2014 ASCE J. James R. Croes Medal, the 2014 IABMAS Junior Prize, and the 2018 IALCCE Junior Award.

Descripción del libro

Durante las últimas dos décadas, se ha reconocido generalmente que

  • el análisis del ciclo de vida del puente puede ser una herramienta sistemática para abordar la gestión eficiente y eficaz del puente bajo incertidumbre
  • la gestión del ciclo de vida a nivel de la red del puente puede conducir a una mejora en la asignación de recursos financieros limitados, lo que garantiza la seguridad y la funcionalidad de la red del puente
  • la gestión del ciclo de vida de los puentes y las redes de puentes basada en la resiliencia y la sostenibilidad puede mejorar su resistencia y robustez ante eventos extremos como terremotos, tsunamis, inundaciones y huracanes
  • la gestión del puente debe considerar el impacto de las condiciones ambientales y el cambio climático 

Este libro aborda conceptos y enfoques importantes desarrollados recientemente sobre la seguridad, el mantenimiento y la gestión de puentes en un contexto de ciclo de vida. Se analizan el rendimiento del ciclo de vida del puente y el análisis de costos, la predicción, la optimización y la toma de decisiones bajo incertidumbre. Los temas principales incluyen la seguridad de los puentes y la predicción de la vida útil; inspección de puentes y monitoreo de salud estructural; mantenimiento de puentes; puente de ciclo de vida y gestión de redes de puentes; planificación óptima de la gestión del puente del ciclo de vida; resiliencia y sostenibilidad de puentes y redes de puentes bajo amenazas; y gestión de puentes teniendo en cuenta el cambio climático. Al proporcionar aplicaciones prácticas de los conceptos y enfoques presentados, este libro puede ayudar a estudiantes, investigadores, profesionales, propietarios y administradores de infraestructuras,

Tabla de contenido

1. Conceptos y métodos probabilísticos para el análisis del ciclo de vida de los puentes 2. Desempeño estructural y vida útil 3. Inspección y monitoreo de la salud estructural 4. Mantenimiento de puentes 5. Análisis y optimización del desempeño del ciclo de vida 6. Aplicaciones de la planificación óptima de la gestión del puente durante el ciclo de vida 7. Gestión de redes de puentes durante el ciclo de vida 8. Resiliencia y sostenibilidad de puentes y redes de puentes 9. Gestión de puentes teniendo en cuenta el cambio climático 10. Conclusiones

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